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How Do You Treat Cataracts?

Doctor Examining a PatientThe natural lenses of our eyes harden with age. In some instances, they become cloudy, forming a thin milk-like film over the eyes.

This eye condition is known as cataracts. Other times, cataracts may occur because of genetics, trauma, or a side effect to eye surgery. Keep reading to learn more about cataracts and how to treat them!

What are the Symptoms of Cataracts?

Besides clouding the lens of the eye, other symptoms of cataracts include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Poor night vision
  • Faded colors
  • Sensitivity to bright lights

Cataracts develop slowly over time and affect the quality of your vision. But if they’re left untreated, they may lead to significant loss of sight.

In fact, cataracts are a leading cause of blindness. Going for regular eye exams will help detect them early. Leaving cataracts untreated will lead to eventual blindness.

What are the Treatment Options for Cataracts?

In the beginning, cataracts are usually manageable with glasses and contacts. Glasses and contacts give you better vision and focus.

As cataracts develop, your glasses or contact lens prescriptions will keep changing. At that point, your doctor may recommend cataract surgery.

During cataract surgery, the lens is removed and replaced with an intraocular lens.

What are the Different Types of IOLs Used During Cataract Surgery?

There are several types of IOLs used during cataract surgery. They include:

Monofocal Lens

This is an IOL that adjusts for one distance, meaning you need to wear glasses after cataract surgery. With a monofocal IOL, you need glasses to be able to see both either up close or far away.
Monofocal IOLs are the only IOL that Medicare will usually cover. This is a good option if you are on a tight budget and can’t afford a premium lens option.

Distance Vision Optimized Lens

These lenses are optimized for distance vision. This IOL allows you to see clearly at a distance. For things that are up close, they’ll appear blurrier.

Near Vision Optimized Lens

This is a kind of IOL that provides clear near vision, but distance vision remains blurry.

Near & Distance Vision Optimized Lens

With near and distance vision optimized lenses, you experience clear vision with both.

PanOptix Trifocal Optimized Lens

If you want the clearest vision from near, far, and intermediate distances, the PanOptix trifocal IOL is the way to go. This IOL eliminates any gaps in vision that may occur using other premium IOLs.

This is because light is split in three distances, rather than only two with other premium IOLs.

Choosing the Right Type of IOL

The type of IOL you select to have implanted should match your lifestyle. Your eye doctor may even recommend placing different types of lenses in each eye. This can result in better and clearer vision.

If you spend a lot of your time reading and using the computer, you may need to focus on your near vision.

But if you are on the road driving or you play sports, it’s good to ensure that the near and distant vision is your priority.

Wondering if it may be time for cataract surgery? The only way to know for sure is to schedule a cataract screening! Schedule your cataract screening at Grand Rapids Ophthalmology at our East Beltline location in Grand Rapids, MI!

It’s time to say goodbye to the frustrations of blurry vision and cataracts for good. Contact us today and get on the path to beautiful vision!

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Schedule an appointment today to experience the GRO difference. Call 616.588.6598 or click here.

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